Make this year your most transformative and empowering yet

Are you ready to go on a supported journey that is going to provide you with a profound new sense of inner-knowing, joy and the ability to live your best life?.. Then you’re in the right place.

I will be right beside you as we peel back the layers of untrue beliefs that have weighed you down and kept you resistant to making necessary changes in your life. This program encourages real and lasting change.

The Authentic Empowerment Journey

We’ll take an 11 month-long journey together. During 10 of the 11 months, you will receive full mentorship and coaching. During the 7th month, you will progress with more independence. The 10th month also uses less structured support.

These months allow you to refine your path to permit physical, mental, and spiritual realignment to take place. This journey sparks a soulful integration you’ve been seeking for a long time.

The Reasons Why

Many of the people I coach have come to me because they cannot make progress on their own. Their self-esteem is low, they lack confidence, resilience, motivation, courage, and a clear vision for their future.  They are in a life transition but don’t know how to ‘bring to light’ their next steps. They feel off-purpose and blocked in some way.

Does any of this resonate with you?

You may be healing from past trauma or a parent of children who’ve now left home. Do you feel depressed, lost, and unable to communicate or access within yourself what you want to ‘do’ or create in this new chapter of your life?

You are likely at a point of profound transition and feel unease (even afraid) about journeying alone because you lack trust in yourself. You have likely spent many years taking care of others, and are at a place now in life where you feel you’ve lost yourself.

These moments in our life when we feel powerless, frustrated, or disconnected rarely happen suddenly. It is seldom one single event or situation that sends us into deep despair. It is most often a result of accumulated unease or karma, intuitive signals have been ignored. 

Over time miss-alignment has happened. Without guided support, it can be difficult to figure out how to unravel the truths of the accumulated subconscious beliefs.

You will break through this state of paralysis and turmoil with my coaching and mentorship. I will guide you as you surrender to congruently align, to begin integrating your authentic calling for this life.

Your Transformation Process

THERE IS ABSOLUTELY A WAY OUT OF THE DARK and trust that you are in the right place.

When you make the decision to open up, and to receive guidance, you energetically realign. Extraordinary synchronization begins to flow! So KNOW it is no mistake you are reading this right now.

You are not alone… too many people settle to avoid losing relationships and fear change. Settling for a standard way of living life is denying yourself the incredible opportunity to thrive. ALL life has to offer and that you came here to discover, learn and give.

You’ve perhaps become a procrastinator and developed analysis paralysis. You may fear judgment from others, and now perfectionism haunts you. You’ve settled into your circumstances and think “that’s it”, even though deep down you know you want more…

Let this be the time when you DON’T settle for less than a joyful and peaceful life.

I’m not here to tell you it’s going to be quick or easy to heal and make permanent change… I can promise you though that it is so incredibly worth it!

There will be moments on this journey when you’ll fall down. But I will be right beside you to support with building the necessary resilience needed. I will be cheering you on, coaching, and holding you accountable for steps YOU ARE MORE THAN READY to take.

I will be walking with you through the rebuilding of your self and soul esteem.

Upon my transformational life journey, I became very clear about the necessary steps to support others on a similar path.  This is a comprehensive, 11 month-long empowering process that will allow you to heal and accept who you’ve become. You’ll ignite the discovery of a whole ‘new’ powerful, independent and authentic you.

I’m compelled to support you on your path because I know very well the profound sense of purpose and peace that comes from surrendering and empowering the self, the soul within.

The Details

Authentic Empowerment Coaching and Mentorship

Designed to support you with becoming fully empowered and independently living congruently, this 11 month-long empowerment process focuses wholly on your personal transformation. It’s delivered through a combination of one-one mentorship and coaching, and is structured as follows:

Months 1-6 of Authentic Empowerment Coaching & Mentorship

  • Week 1 (of every month) one-one session: duration 90 minutes
  • Weeks 2 & 3, one-one session: 60 minutes
  • Week 4 – no session is scheduled however, there is *Pocket Coaching when required, via voice messaging application (during the hours stated)

Month 7 of Authentic Empowerment Coaching & Mentorship

  • This is an integration month with *Pocket Coaching only when required (during the hours stated via voice messaging application)

Months 8 & 11 of Authentic Empowerment Coaching & Mentorship

  • Weeks 1, 2 & 3, one-one session: duration 60 minutes
  • Week 4 – no session scheduled however, there is *Pocket Coaching when required, via voice messaging application (during the hours stated)

*Pocket Coaching via voice messaging application, during allocated hours: Monday-Friday (7am-7pm CEST). For this, the Telegram phone application will need to be downloaded.

PLEASE NOTE: Mentoring/Coaching sessions are online, via Zoom & scheduled for the same time each week over the course of the 11 months.  Otherwise in-person, location depending. Occasional alterations are to be made as soon as possible upon commencement of the 11-month long mentorship.

We explore the following elements and practices during your Authentic Empowerment Coaching and Mentorship process

  • Your astrological birth chart
  • Educational elements relating to the energy anatomy, the brain, healing and stress management
  • Your Archetypal wheel (Including the casting of your Fate to Destiny Chart)
  • A variety of mindful, holistic health practices (to include Meditation, breath work, sound healing, yoga & sport exercises: A physical challenge will be encouraged)
  • Home energy clearing practical tasks and rituals
  • Reading material (books sent to your home, Audible subscription included with certain titles to cover over the course of the empowerment process)
  • Music and mantras
  • Nutritional education and changes to aid cleansing, detoxification, general health and energy enhancement, along with support for hormone balancing
  • Journaling prompts and support
  • Intentional living planning

Discover more about one-one mentoring with Ali and the reasons why embarking upon a Personal Empowerment Journey will change your life.

I recently had the pleasure of experiencing warm and supportive coaching in the expert hands of Ali.

I was captured by her positive approach to moving forward, whilst traveling through this period of great uncertainty. 

Her methods are structured, yet poetic, grounded in her profound questioning of ‘my world’ and never taking the drivers seat in the creation of the direction, that can only be my own.

I am grateful for her patience and compliment Ali on her profound desire to be of service to others on their journey.

Margot / Paris

Self Esteem